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课程与改革|关注联合国可持续发展 衡实校本课主打“国际范儿”

 联合国可持续发展目标都有哪些?联合国生物多样性公约是怎么回事?中学生应该如何为实现联合国可持续发展目标做出自己的努力?明年的COP15会议即将在昆明召开,云南衡水实验中学(本部)本学期推出了联合国可持续发展课程,受到学生们的欢迎。近日,该课程入围了亚太气候创新实验室(Climate Innovation Lab for Asia Pacific)项目,让衡实中的校本课程逐步走上国际化舞台。

What are Sustainable Development Goals? What is 15th Conference of the Parties (COP15)? How can high school students contribute to Sustainable Development Goals? As Kunming will be the host city of COP15 next year, we echo with this event to develop Sustainable Development Goals Curriculum (SDGs Curriculum) for students at Yunnan Hengshui Experimental School. The curriculum has recently been recognised by Climate Innovation Lab for Asia Pacific, which gained international reputation from the global stage.



The SDGs Curriculum is principally developed by Oxford graduate, Pengfei Jiang, who is the Assistant Dean at Institute of Educational Studies of Long-Spring Education Group, as well as experienced tutors that graduated from Tsinghua University, Peking University, UCL and other reputable universities. This curriculum is delivered bilingually for students from the class of Plan for Strengthening Basic Disciplines at Head Quarter of Yunnan Hengshui Experimental School, which aims to develop students in terms of interdisciplinary study through Project-based Learning.



课上,授课教师从生物系统中的食物能量(Food Energy in Ecosystems)切入,结合云南当地的生态,引导学生学习联合国可持续发展的17个目标。在完成背景知识引申教学后,授课教师提出了6个开放式的综合情境问题。

● 生物多样性与人类饮食有什么关系?

● 饮食多样化如何影响人类健康?

● 健康、绿色的饮食,如何促进全球食物生态系统的可持续性?

● 结合云南饮食文化,谈谈你是怎样理解云南生物多样性的?

● 为什么要加强对偷猎和贩运野生动植物的打击?

● 保护濒危野生动物,高中生能做什么?


For example, one of units is about Food Energy in Ecosystems. The session firstly introduces the local ecosystem of Yunnan based on subject knowledge, and connects the topic with Sustainable Development Goals. Course tutor will ask 6 open questions from reality after the instruction.

●What is the relationship between biodiversity and human diet?

●How can different food impact on health?

●How can green food facilitate the sustainable development of ecosystem?

●Think about food culture of Yunnan, what do you think the biodiversity of Yunnan?

●Why do we need to enhance support for efforts to combat poaching and trafficking of protected species?

●What can high school students contribute to wild-animal protection?

These questions encourage students to elaborate what they learned from course to solve problems from reality.



Students are grouped to engage with different forms of interdisciplinary activities, such as mind map, research, field trip and presentation. They need to make a plan to solve problems and present to audience, which aims to help them in enriching English vocabulary, strengthening presentation skills and developing problem-solving skills.



Long-Spring Education Group intends to educate students from both Chinese and international culture. SDGs Curriculum echoes with this belief, empowering students in learning from local and global culture.


蒋鹏飞 Pengfei Jiang 英国牛津大学 教育学硕士 MSc Education from University of Oxford

秘少凯 Shaokai Bi 北京大学 法学学士 LLB Sociology from Peking University

蒋智 Zhi Jiang 北京大学 工程学硕士 MSc Engineering from Peking University

王斌辉 Binhui Wang 清华大学 动力工程硕士 MEng Power Engineering from Tsinghua University

张欣卓 Xinzhuo Zhang 英国伦敦大学学院 社会学硕士 MA Sociology from UCL

刘晋 Jin Liu 英国伦敦大学学院 教育学硕士 MA Education from UCL

屈国林 Guolin Qu 云南大学 生物学学士 BSc Biology from Yunnan University



Zhuoran Li, Master in Law at University of Oxford, CEO of DuanDin Enterprise Management Consulting Ltd., managed thousands of acres of nursery garden.


Beite Liang, employee of Zhejiang University, lived in the UK for 7 years, Master in Classics at University of Oxford, proficient in English-Chinese translation, has translated “The Silent Traveller in Japan” for the well-known author and artist who lived in America, Yi Jiang.


Yu Yang, Oxford graduate in education, specialise in education industry, doing research in education equity and international higher education.


Pengfei Zhu, from Weifang, Shandong, Doctor in Public Health。


Tevy Shen, Graduate Member of British Psychological Society (MPBsS), Master in Educational Psychology from University of Bristol, former research assistant of Educational and Research Center for Talented Youth School of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences Peking University, recipient of Song Qingling Scholarship.

长水教育集团 联合国可持续发展课程工作室 SDGs Curriculum Office



  • 云南长水实验中学

  • 云南长水实验中学

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